EMT current group photo

EMT current group photo
June 2023 Ecuador Mission Team

Day 7: La Despedida | June 19th 2015

"Despedida" can be loosely translated as "farewell party" and is the perfect word to sum up our final day at the school.

As you'll see in the pictures, we leave this place with hearts full of love, arms full of kids, and in some cases eyes full of tears!

From the beginning we knew that this trip was just as much, if not more, about us than the kids we set out to serve. Today we felt it! We thank the Lord for "hearts opened wide" (2 Corinthians 6:13, 7:2). Our hearts are full not just knowing that a job was well done, but more that friendships bigger than this world were formed. Thank the Lord!

The 3rd graders practiced their verse of the week, Joshua 1:6 by popping in on the other classes. The verse is a theme of Amor y Esperanza, "Sea fuerte y valiente"...in English below.

After classes the school held an assembly for us. They went all out making us feel like the guests of honor, including plays, songs, and handmade cards for each of us.

There was a special and moving presentation for Jackie Tolford, for whom this is her 8th and final trip. Jackie is a truly beautiful soul and a blessing to ALL who have been grace to know her!

Los "decimos" (10th graders) take a bow after performing "La Bella Dormiente" (Sleeping Beauty) in English for us!

After the program we had a chance to get pictures and give LOTS of hugs to our new friends.

Now it was our turn to throw a Despedida, this time for the teachers and staff of Amor y Esperanza, all of whom work tirelessly (without much compensation) to create an world of light in a place often full of darkness.

Upon entering we serenaded them with worship songs and, er, Firework by Katy Perry. They loved it! A highlight was singing "Our God", a song AyE had sung twice for in Spanish. This time it was our turn to reciprocate in English, with our friends joining in their heart language. The mix of languages worshipping the same God was truly beautiful and powerful moment...a taste of heaven when all cultures worship in peace together.

After singing we lead our friends in, what else, a square dance! One appropriately titled "Marching Down in Georgia"! Smiles were big as were laughs.

A Whitefield tradition is to leave gifts for the teachers. Here, our beloved cook Bachita, poses with our girls and her new handbag.

We left full of love but completely exhausted physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I guess there is a cost to going deep and making an authentic connection. Well worth it though!

Thanks be to God for the strength this week. We pray for the "strength and courage" of our friends, as well as for ourselves, as we prepare to come home with a broadened perspective of the beautiful family of God worldwide.

Ok, now to sleep!

We love you all...Strength and Courage!

~EMT 2015~

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