EMT Day 2 Sunday
“We are all ONE in Christ Jesus” ~ Galatians 3:28
Our prayer leading up to and throughout this trip is that we would know that we belong to the Lords, to each other as a team, and to our friends in Christ in Ecuador. Sunday this became evident through and incredible day of travel, community, worship and prayer. We began the day by visiting “Le Mitad del Mundo”, literally, “The Middle of the World” or for us, the equator. Apparently the word Quito is derived from the indigenous word for “middle of the world” which is fascinating because they didn’t have GPS. It’s also fun for the geeks among us to believe we’re essentially in “middle-earth”!
The afternoon was filled with preparing for our classes on Monday, resting and playing soccer. Even the best athletes among us are being humbled by the altitude. A great reminder that we are finite and need the Lord’s help!
Sunday evening was what some would call a “kairos” moment of prayer and worship. We sang the song “How He Loves” and it proved appropriate in several ways. First, “He loves US” is a reminder that this is something WE do together. We belong to the Lord and to one another, even across cultural and language lines. “Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss” completely described the moment where the presence of the Lord was intimately and imminently felt. At times it felt like our singing was bolstered by a heavenly host! And finally the lyric “I don’t have time to maintain the regrets” preceded an incredible time of prayer for individuals. There was not a dry eye in the place as prayers for family members with sickness and individuals allowing the Lord to work on the wounded spaces in their hearts were powerfully received. Our group has grown all the more closer as the result and we couldn’t be more grateful for this time of filling to prepare us to pour out.
Sunday evening also highlighted the reality of the true exchange this experience is, and not without precedent. I encourage you to read Romans 15:22-29 when Paul speaks of the value of gentile churches, such as those is Rome, donating materially to the church in Jerusalem because of the spiritual blessing the Romans and others received from the church there. Praise the Lord for this gift! Would you please join us in praying for this week, that this spirit of belonging would be richly felt by ALL, Ecuadorian and American alike.
This is the ACTUAL equator verified by GPS! |
Kaylee and Kennedy at the equator |
Lots of interesting properties experienced at the equator on account of centrifugal forces |
Anna attempting to balance an egg on the head of a nail |
Kaylee earned a certificate for balancing an egg |
Micah and Jared walking with eyes closed. It's strangely harder than you'd think! |
Emma walking the line |
Anna A with a trans-hemisphere handstand |
Sra Daly caminas en la mitad del mundo |
We all eventually joined a traditional dance led by this llama pants clad dancer |
A typical view, this one at the "former" equator, pre GPS where there is now a mini theme park and monument |
Zach, Wesley and Christian in line to climb the monument |
Anna B and Maddi |
Pizza lunch en "La Mitad Del Mundo" |
Temi and Emma prepare their classes on Sunday afternoon |
Wesley will be teaching film making and Bryan will be teaching electronics through soldering |
Maddie and Jolie prepare |
Grayson finding a quiet moment |
The team unwinds, and loses their breath, with soccer |
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