EMT current group photo

EMT current group photo
June 2023 Ecuador Mission Team

January 8, 2019 – Taste and See

Tuesday.  Carmen Bajo.  

It is very humbling to work alongside a master craftsman and try to imitate his craft.  Today, we attempted to put cement plaster onto cement block walls which were built by teams that came before us.  We worked alongside three maestros.  After watching the process, we donned our gloves, mixed our cement plaster, and made one giant mess after another.  The men would take a trowel or shovel full of cement, throw it at the wall, and quickly smooth it up the surface.  Maybe a little would end up on the floor, but most of the cement stayed nicely where it was put.  One team member after another – students and chaperones alike – would attempt to replicate this process.  For some, the cement would slide off the back of the trowel.  For others, it would hit the wall but fall on the floor.  We were wearing cement, wiping it from our hair, our faces, and blinking it out of our eyes!  We had cement everywhere!  Unfortunately, only a few of us became even slightly proficient with the skill by the end of the day.  It was a frustrating process.

We did eventually find some other helpful tasks with which we are more adept.  I have never been so happy to whack weeds!  Tomorrow, we hope to play to our strengths by breaking up into groups.  A few will continue the plastering alongside the master craftsmen, while others will build walls, whack more weeds, or teach English at the school.  

The children met us in the patio and shared songs.
Before construction time today, we were able to visit the school to meet the children and to learn some of the history of Amor y Esperanza.  It was wonderful to see the smiling faces of the students and to hear their praises to the Lord.  When Cole, one of the returning team members, entered the patio, the faces of his students from last year lit up with joy!  I was able to greet Laura, Noemi, Jesus, and others whom I have known in past years.  There is such joy to see their faces and to know that the Lord continues to watch over their lives.  And it is good to taste of the Lord and see that He is good.  He is kind to His children.  He gives us His spirit.  His love for us is everlasting.

This evening we shared time together. We remembered Mr. Holland’s encouragement from last night, to taste and see that the Lord is good. We built upon that foundation – the Lord is good, AND He is in control.  It is good to have a solid foundation – postulates on which to build your faith, your worldview.   We also invited the presence of the Lord, and we prayed for one another.  Tomorrow will hold more experience of Jesus – and more togetherness as we pursue His grace for us here, and open the eyes of our hearts. 

Random facts for today:
There are a lot of dogs that live in Carmen Bajo.
Mr. Holland has just recently learned to pronounce certain words correctly – like egg and sweater.
Hudson is fascinated by scorpions.
Claire takes great joy in smashing old toilets with a yard tool.

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