EMT current group photo

EMT current group photo
June 2023 Ecuador Mission Team

Meet the 2018 team!

Welcome to the team! Yes, traveling this year we are 24 students, 2 teachers and 1 amazing parent. However, we fully believe that be reading this, by praying for us, by supporting us - YOU are part of this team. We are those blessed enough to travel. Thanks for being WITH us! We can't do this work without the generous support of friends and family.

With that, meet those traveling...

Jared Jones and Mariana Hough
My name is Jared Jones, I am 18 years old, and I am soon to be a college freshman at Brown University. I will be teaching poetry, both writing and reciting. When I went to Ecuador two years ago, I saw not only beautiful things but beautiful people who were happy and content even when they don't have anything close to what we have here in America. Normally, it's an incredible experience to see how people can still worship God and still be joyful, even though they live in unstable conditions. I am looking forward to experiencing that once again, through the students at Ecuador and through my fellow team members.

Zach Justice
I’m going Into my senior year. I’m 17 years old. I will be teaching the eighth grade. I’m most excited for Ecuador because I get to meet the students and make a relationship with them. 

Lexi Kantor and Kennedy Papantonis
I'm Lexi Kantor and I am 15 and a rising sophomore. This is my first time on the Ecuador Mission Trip and I am super excited to teach the fifth graders. I have been waiting for the chance to go to Ecuador since I was in Lower School and I am thrilled that I can finally take part in this amazing experience.

I am Kennedy and I am in 10th grade and I will be teaching the 5th grade about the ocean animals because the ocean is my happy place. And I am most excited to meet the 5th graders in my class. 

Kaylee Burnett
I am a rising sophomore and I will be teaching the second grade about God's creations. I am most excited to grow spiritually through the interactions I have and the relationships I build with my team members, the students, and Christ.

Jolie Gaston
Hi my name is Jolie! I am going to be in 12th grade and I’m 17 years old. I wanted to go to Ecuador because I felt like God wanted me to go and help others. I also felt like going to Ecuador and being around amazing people, who I don’t spend time with, helps me take a break from my life problems and focus on bettering myself, others, and the Lord. I will be teaching 9th grade with Maddie Knox. I am most excited about hangout with the students and getting to know them and how God has touched their lives! 

Grayce Guthrie
My name is Grayce. I am 17 years old and am a rising Senior in high school. I will be teaching Kindergarten/ 1st grade about different parts of God’s creation. I am so excited to travel to Ecuador to teach kids there because I think God calls us to serve others. I am most excited about the opportunity to truly love on God’s children in Ecuador. 

Grayson Nour
Hi! My name is Grayson Nour and I am teaching Kindergarten/ First. This will be my second year going on this trip and I cannot wait to see my family in Ecuador!! 

Temi Ijiwoye
I'm Temi Ijiwoye, I'm 18 and I've just graduated from Whitefield! I'll be attending Loyola University Maryland in the fall. I'm really excited to be teaching the 3rd grade with Emma Farrar. We'll be teaching the fruits of the spirit as well as creation. I'm also really excited to return to Ecuador and gain a new experience with a new group! 

Christian Knox (middle)
I'm a freshman at the University of Tennessee and this is my second trip to Ecuador to teach 7th grade. We will be teaching basic anatomy of the human body in English to our students. I'm excited to return with the team this year because this trip is a great way to experience a different culture while serving the Lord through our work with Amor y Esperanza. 

Emma Farrar
Hello my name is Emma Farrar I’m going into 11th grade. I will be teaching the 3rd graders down in Ecuador. I am most excited to create relationships with the kids down there and help poncho and pity help build more onto what they have already. I am also most excited to experience God and Jesus and watch them move through me and through what we are doing. 

Maddie Knox
Hi! My name is Maddie and I am a rising Junior. I will be teaching 9th grade along with Jolie. They will be learning about the arts. Specifically music, theater, drawing and painting. I decided to go on this trip because it is my brothers second year and he told me how amazing it was. I am most excited to grow closer with everyone on the team and to learn from the students. 

Anna Ayalew
Anna Bracher
Annie Edwards
Abigail Farrar
Scott Hellier
Bryan Holsinger
Matthew Marshall
Micah Messner
Wesley Mitchell
Cole Peterson
Will Thomas

Candace Daly
Dave McCune
Wendy Nour

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you and all of those in your group. Enjoy, help out where ever you can and God bless you & the total group.
