EMT current group photo

EMT current group photo
June 2023 Ecuador Mission Team

God is an Awesome God!

Psalm 91
Psalm 130
Isaiah 41:10 and 13
2 Timothy 1:7

At some point today please read those verses. Our team got together about an hour ago and prayed in unison. We then read those scripture passages/verses. I sat down to email you while it was still Monday night but a strong feeling of nausea led me quickly to bed. I left the computer running with the idea to come back in an hour maybe. A knock on the door startled me and Janey called for me with urgency. I got up only to feel like my world was ending and nausea was taking me out but I rushed toward her voice as she told me Caitlin needed me NOW.

Fatigue, nausea, upset stomach, pain and fever have been visiting a few of our bigger babies and even the little missionary Kiev (she is doing better J). We gave her a banana, Hannah Rae applied a cold rag to her forehead, Cara Grace went to get us something that may help bring relief and immediately I called for the team to come together. We prayed, speaking the words/promises of God back to him and claiming immediate victory over these ill feelings for all affected. At the end of the first prayer I was completely healed. I felt new and 100% renewed. We checked in on Caitlin and we heard a small improvement. Luke was fast asleep so I left him – that is exactly what he needs as we were praying.

We sat down and began to read God’s word in the passages I mentioned above. I asked to team to believe that God can and will restore healing to our weaker members at this time. I begged them to cast out any fear in their hearts at this time because honestly there is no place for fear at this time. I asked them to pray again and with hearts believing claim continued good health for those who are not feeling ill and again restoration for those who are feeling weak.

We went back to check on Caitlin and the report was better. She was beginning to settle down and her fever broke. God is an awesome God. He delivers, He is a healer, He is a comforter, he is a shelter and a Rock. You see, before we called, He answered and while were yet speaking He heard us (paraphrased from Isaiah).

Teaching went very well on Monday morning. Although some of the team members felt it was hard for them they told me it was very rewarding and they felt accomplished. Our afternoon activities of doing two Science centers, a music center and a bible center was a bit of a challenge but all in all we did not fail to transfer the love of Jesus to those children attending. They were excited to find bible verses (and get a stamp for finding it first) as we played the Sword Drill, as we taught them “This little light of Mine” and also finding out the result of mixing baking soda and vinegar together.

God is doing a mighty work through us at this school as He always does with the Whitefield Academy group here. You are doing an amazing job raising your children to fear God and glori fy His name. I have no complaints about this group of kids. Please believe with me that He will restore us to wholeness. 

Opal Anderson-Curling

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