Friday, June 22
TGIF - Some say Thank God It's Friday, some say Thank God I'm Forgiven...I say both. This evening as we ate at the famous Rusty's Burger (Rusty is an American who now has about five brances of this fast food joint here in Quito), I got the idea that the team is looking forward to the weekend and the rich experience we will have at the hacienda. Harrison told me that he is looking forward to enjoying the countryside without the focus being on shopping in an outdoor marketplace. We appreciate your prayers as we pass these last two days.
TGIF - Some say Thank God It's Friday, some say Thank God I'm Forgiven...I say both. This evening as we ate at the famous Rusty's Burger (Rusty is an American who now has about five brances of this fast food joint here in Quito), I got the idea that the team is looking forward to the weekend and the rich experience we will have at the hacienda. Harrison told me that he is looking forward to enjoying the countryside without the focus being on shopping in an outdoor marketplace. We appreciate your prayers as we pass these last two days.
Acts 20:35 states “…it is more blessed to give than to receive." Parents, I have to say that in three years your giving has been bigger each year. Thanks a million. I also want to extend a big thanks to everyone who gave Beanie Babies in response to the collection drive Alice Fugate engineered. We had more than enough to serve the school today but I certainly did not expect that kids, parents and teachers would be so excited about these little “stuffed animals." As soon as the Beanie Babies made an entrance, they were gone again.
Kids cried for the one they preferred, held it tight when they got it and asked for more even if they had more than one. The teachers, who thought they were for the kids only, gleefully smiled at the prospect of getting a few to use in their classes as incentives or to share with their kids who don’t attend the school. Even Pancho and Pity’s four-year-old daughter Maria Victoria got a green rabbit that she immediately loved so much that the two became inseparable all day. Thanks Whitefield family! Your giving made our goodbye ceremony a little less painful for many kids today.
The teachers and staff entertained us and prayed for our two seniors, Tommy Keough and Brent Hildebrand, the team, and Caitlin Hessee who wasn’t feeling very well today. We enjoyed watching the youngest to the oldest sing and dance in praises to God this morning for how we touched their lives all week. A few sad faces appeared at the end but it was more blessed when we returned the favor and gave the teachers and staff an appreciation party. There was not a dull moment in the room from the moment the EMT stepped in to decorate and prepare the area to the last minute when the attendees gave us their parting hugs and words. They were all truly grateful and content about the time we spent honoring them.
Please know that you are blessing and partnering with a group of people who at this time are dedicated to what they do for the children of the Carmen Bajo neighborhood. As we support them in their mission to shine a light in this neighborhood, we are lifting up Jesus, we are magnifying His name in this little corner of the globe. In closing, I want to reinforce that I am content to be a part of a community that is purposeful about living its mission. This week has by no means been an easy one. Who said that when we decide to walk our talk that our experience will be serendipitous and idyllic every step of the way? God can make his greatness known without Whitefield Academy and the EMT but he chose us to be a part of His plan to bring others to a knowledge of him. Have a great time this weekend! Much love from the EMT.
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